Aeroklub Prievidza
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Our offer

Flight aircraft

Enjoy flying above the beautiful panorama of Horná Nitra valley.

World from the birds eye view is nicer. You can see it from the board of our planes.

alt: Z43 alt: dynamic
Motored flights:

We can make your dreams come true with our little sport planes Zlín Z-43 and Dynamic WT9. We ensure the motored flights for you during the summer season from March till October. Many sport airfields in Slovakia are situated in the outskirts. But our airfield is situated in the beautiful Horná Nitra valley between towns Prievidza and Bojnice. You can enjoy yourself the beautiful view on Horná Nitra region from aeroplane. From the birds eye view you will see Bojnice castle, the thermal spa and one of the largest ZOO in Slovakia.

● Z 43 Zlín (with the capacity of 3 adults, or 2 adults + 2 children)

● WT9 Dynamic (with the capacity of 1 person, suitable for using camera and videocamera)

The time of flight is minimum of 15 minutes.

alt: Twin

Motorless flights:

Do you like quiet and excitement? If yes, you are on the right place. Come with us flying our motorless planes thanks to the upward airstreams. How does it look like? We will be taken with the motored plane to the height of cca 600 meters and after the disconection you can see exquisite Horná Nitra valley with well-known Bojnice castle from the birds eye view. Also you can try to fly the glider. At the end of the flight we will land back at Prievidza Airfield. Do you want more? When the weather is fine, it is only your decision, how long the flight will take. With us your secret dreams about flying come true.

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Aerospool spol. s r.o.
WGC 2010

počet prístupov od 23.01.2008: 620663