
alt: letisko

Prievidza Airfield is a public international airfield with irregular transport.
Many sport airfields in Slovakia are situated in the outskirts. But our airfield is situated in the beautiful Horná Nitra valley between towns Prievidza and Bojnice with an unforgetable view on Bojnice castle.
Bojnice is one of the most visited tourist center in Slovakia situated 20 minutes going by foot from the airfield. In this little town you can visit Bojnice castle with its atractions like the night tours with the ghosts, the classical music concerts, the historic theatrical performances, etc.
Near the castle you can visit one of the largest ZOO-s in Slovakia or take part in the historic program with the swordsmen and the hawkers in their amphitheatre. Another possibility of spending a free time is to go to the swimming pool Čajka or to the spa nearby.
In the surroundings of Bojnice there are many touristic and cycle routes. Also we can recommend you to visit hipocenter situated 300 metres from the airfield or to go to the open-air mining museum in Baňa Cígeľ, where you can get to the underground space.
These are some of the possibilities that the surroundings of the airfield can offer.

Aerospool spol. s r.o.
WGC 2010

počet prístupov od 23.01.2008: 604655